Monday, March 5, 2007

Making it happen

It is hard to believe that two months have come and gone so quickly. It has been a challenge and a blessing to learn and adapt to a new school environment. It is amazing coming from an American perspective how a school with few resources can provide an atmosphere for learning.

Students do not have their own text books and thus have to share school copies. Also they often have to borrow pencils and erasers from their classmates. Teachers if they wish to make photo copies need to pay. In addition, teachers have limited access to the Internet to supplement their teaching while also lacking other technological resources to help aid their student’s learning.

As in any school, some students are left behind because they either learn at a slower pace, lack concentration, or are simply are not given enough attention. However it is evident that many students at Christ the King can learn in this type of environment where there is one teacher teaching to a class of 45 students. For example, most of the students in third grade can read and comprehend literature at a high forth grade/low fifth grade level. From my perspective, it is amazing how a school make so much with so little.

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